Sandhamigu TamizhmaRai Series


Srimathe Gopaladesika Mahadesikaya Nama:

Srimathe Raghuveera Mahadesikaya Nama:

Adiyen. With the divine grace of AchAryan, PoorvAchAryAL, AchArya pAdukAs, Swami Desikan and Sri Lakshmi HayagrIvan, Sri Thooppulmaal Sathsampradaya Sabha (STSS) is happy to share the original text of இராமானுச நூற்றந்தாதி ( irAmAnusa nooTRandhAdhi ) in simple, easy to read form, as part of the new series சந்தமிகு தமிழ்மறை ( Sandhamigu TamizhmaRai ).

Thiruvallur Sri. Raghava Nrusimhan Swamin has prepared, proof-read this document with utmost dedication and devotion. Adiyen’s heartfelt thanks to Swamin for this help.

Bhagavatas are requested to download from the following link and benefit.

சந்தமிகு தமிழ்மறை ( Sandhamigu TamizhmaRai ):