ஹனுமனின் திருநாமங்கள் (Holy Names of Hanuman)


Srimathe Gopaladesika Mahadesikaya Nama:

Srimathe Raghuveera Mahadesikaya Nama:

Adiyen. On this auspicious Hanumath Jayanthi Subha Dhinam, with the divine grace of AchAryan, PoorvAchAryAL, AchArya pAdukAs, Swami Desikan and Sri Lakshmi HayagrIvan Sri Thooppulmaal Sathsampradaya Sabha (STSS) is happy to share ஹனுமனின் திருநாமங்கள் ( Holy Names of Hanuman )blessed by srImad paRavAkkOttai AndavaN - Sri Gopaladesika Mahadesikan. Adiyen’s sAshtAnga praNAmangaL to Acharyan for this parOpakAram. 

Thiruvallur Sri. Raghava Nrusimhan Swamin has put together this article in a nice document with whole hearted dedication and devotion. Adiyen’s heartfelt thanks to Swamin for this help.